Went for dance pratice today:D
Jasper came back!! :O!! I got shock and stood rooted to the ground and had this real funny pose which makes snr xuehui laugh.. LOL:P
Then after dance, went to eat lunch with almost all of the sec1s, thn went kbcc for preparation for the dance camp :)
HAd fun!! And got new couple at mfmd ;D
Gossips, gossips, gossips!! @#$#@#!&%^@#
Haha!! :P
Claire and jiamin were veh epic!! xD Fighthing over a phone :O
Before we went back home, me and jiamin spotted someone who looks lyk jingkiat.
Then we keep shouting his name!! xD I shouted thrice and he turned thrice =.=
Then they waved at us.. LOL!!
Then i msg him ask him was it him and he totally blurred diao!! HAHax..
In the end, that guy wasnt him =.=!!!!!!!
Dot dot dot dot dot dot.. ZzZzzz...
LOL!! xD Cos that guy was wearing black from top to toes, and yet jingkiat was wearing white shirt HAHA!!
Me and jiamin lao kui ttvm! :P
Got packing list for dance camp;)
Wah!! Dance item really give me headache!!
-ziwei D:
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