Finally exams are OVER! ;D
Although exams are over, but there are still alot of homeworks! :(
Exams are rather bad too..
English - Bad. Exceed word limit.
History - Okayokay, but wont be high.
Maths - BAD. How careless of me!
Science - HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!! T.T
HCL - Okayokay, cos it's impossible to get high xD
Lit - Anyhow do :P
D&T - GG!
Art - Okayokay (:
I regretted running 2.4 km just before science and lit exam, ><
My head hurts and I couldnt remember the content T.T
My head hurts and I couldnt remember the content T.T
But, it has passed..
So just slack a little now!(:
Stayed back in school for LCT 2 rehearsal..
Dance dance dance on stage barefooted (;
After rehearsal, went for dance practice..
Dance was quite alright today, maybe it's because we went late?
Then teachers-in-charge dragged till over 6.30 :(
Finally, the community is settled. (:
I didnt go out today..
Was too tired and lazy to go out :(
Sorry :S
Did abit of D&T in the morning..
Use scissors cut the cardboard until pain liao then dun wan do ler..
Maybe I was too bored, and i cut out letters from the unwanted parts of the cardboard and coloured it with colour pens!
Hehehe :P
Did house chores after wards..
And took a nap in the afternoon(:
But only for awhile, cos it was too hot and im perspiring! :(
Woke up..
Slacked till it's 4 pm plus..
Was in no mood in the morning and afternoon till 4 pm plus :D
Yeah! I'm done with History homework alr!
Gonna watch Fairy Tail soon (:
-ziwei <3
I cant bear to lose you anymore..
No more..
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