Reached school quite early today (:
The morning assembly was seriously boring..
After morning assembly, went to change and went in the dance studio to prepare for the performance later on..
Me and Natasya bought the same 'couple' purple tank top on Sunday ;D
Aww~ Hehehe..
Instructor say nice nice ar ;P
Before performance was super nervous..
Me and Nat held hands up to the backstage, LMAO.
I was afraid to slip and fell, cause it was very slippery with my shoes on,
When it's our turn, alot people screamed..
Haha xD
I did badly today X:
I keep lose balance and almost ALMOST fell!
Epic epic!! :P
But since it's over, i dc ler :)
I miss the fun we had during practices.. :(
After school, went to Kallang to bowl..
I didnt play cos I forgot bring $$$ T.T
Nvm, save money ;)
Then went AMK to pack food and went to play block catching :D
Super fun!!
Stupid Jayson!!!! x:
Play until stomach burning and super pain :'(
But, fun la~
Then we sat down and chit-chat, suddenly Mr OM Han came!
Shock dao... SPEECHLESS MAN!
Thursday morning after morning assembly must go and find him :(
First time tio this kind of stuffs..
OMG, I became more and more hua dan liao :B
Quickly went home after that..
Tmr going to have BBQ at Jayson's house!! YEAH! ^^ Hope it will be fun. ;D
-ziwei (: :)
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