Hey guys! Sorry for not updating my blogg! x:
My com broke down and now I can only use my phone or 'tv com' =.=
Phone too small, tv too big and I dunno where my specs..
Wait till I've got a new com then i continue updating ba.. It's irritating seeing a big screen and small words! I will blog about my class outing next time and try to update the photos I have x(
Okay, I'll stop here.. Eyes pain liao xD
Byebye! ^.^
Monday, October 31, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Today is the last day of school man! :'(
I'm not looking forward for this day to come..
Went to class during morning assembly today cause the parade square's wet! :D
But we had to go for rehearsal after that..
I didn't cry when I left the class (:
Practice practice, 8.45 am go back class take report book and we guys stayed in there for super long.. All performers are supposed to go for our recess before the combined rehearsal starts but I can't bear to leave the class..
I thought I'm not gonna cry as I wasn't sad at first x: But after Tricia cried, it made me teared a little.. But I'm alright soon after that..
Chit-cat and see each other's report book.. Our class's in a mess! xD
Then Natasya and other dancers were waiting for us outside the classroom so I took my bag and just as I stepped out of the room, tears began to roll down my cheeks.. :'(
I went back to the classroom and cried at a corner.. Then Claire started crying badly and some other girls.. I cried even more when they cried and as the girls hugged one another..
The guys are trying to cheer us up and made funny faces to make us laugh.. We laughed and cried at the same time.. Ugly faces around :S And it was touching to see that all the mischievous guys like Zimin actually comforted us and he was for real.. I miss Tricia and Ruqing the most man! Hugging and crying with one another.. Epic max :P
And when it's the end of school, we all still crowd around the corridor and still cried non-stop! Then Natasya came and hugged me x)
Took pics with friends while crying! Hehe..
The most epic thing is that NO other classes cried! Only our class =.=
But that shows that our class is really very bonded.. There are so many memories with
2I.. We worked together as a united class and did many things and winning E-award although it was taken away because of a fight.. But still, I will miss this unity..
-2Integrity'11 <3-
I've cried so much today man.. I've got so much tears huh? Hehe ;P
Gonna 'flood' a place this Sunday again.. xD
Must take a class photo this Sunday! :D
So, did you close your eyes?
Thursday, October 27, 2011

School ended at 9.55 am today.. So early! D: I wanna spend more time with 2I! :x
Slacked in school for a long time, ate then go hub find Junjie and Edmund.. Walked around in hub and many epic and funny moments happened xD
Saw Kevin and other basketballers at hub too.. :)
After walking, went to Thomson to walk again..
Wanted to buy something for Edmund's clique in the class and some girls that I'm closer with like Tricia and Ruqing.. But no $ and I dunno what to buy! Maybe I should just do a card for everyone? :D
I treasure you guys alot! ;)
Went to Jayson's house to slack and it's so cold.. Brr.. Went home early like around 5 plus?
Walked under a heavy rain.. I'm all drenched and I was freezing X:
Lucky no sick yet, hahax.. :D
So tired man.. Gonna try to do a small note for everyone in the class by Sunday! >.<
I will off my com soon, hopefully (:
Just what you want?
Have you realised it all?
Did you did it on purpose?
Many wild thoughts raced in my mind..
So please..
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Today's dance practice was kinda slack.. :x
Leg hurt again, but it's much better.. At least I can walk normally. Thank God :D
But, just that I really can't jette~ :(
Played cards while having break :)
Some Japanese people came when we were slacking and everyone was shocked by the sudden visit =.= Luckily it wasnt that awful :P
Dance ended at 12.30 pm and I thought that I can go back class and see my classmates, but then they said that they will go home straight when they came back form the excursion..
LOL ._.
After dance, went to eat Mac at Braddell then went Claire's house to watch movie..
But they ended up playing club penguin! Hehe! xD
So cute and funny sia~ ;D
Wanted to watch dream house but the quality sucks so we watched another zombie show.. >.<
Watch finish 6.30 alr?! Time passed fast !
It started to rain when I was on the way home..
And I didn't care and continued to walk in the rain, I'm all wet :S
Until now, I'm still thinking if I should take combined science or pure? D&T or Art? Haizz..
Felt so troubled and annoyed..
God, please guide me.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Went school as normal, and after morning assembly, we went to dance studio (:
Used it from 7 plus to 9 and the malay dance came in and we had to go to spare room 3 and 4 for dance practice..
Quite slack today xD
Tried to dance, but my leg start to hurt badly after that.. Didn't dance sometimes but I tried :D
My leggy, better recover soon~ So i can enjoy dance okay? *pat pat*
And school actually ended at 12 pm?! =.=
I thought I could spend some time with my class after dance x:
After dance, the sec2s dancers went to have lunch together at Dessert House but Metilda didn't go as she was sick :(
Gws! ^.^
I'm getting a little sick too :P
After lunch, we went Claire's house :D
Homing, Weilin, Junjie, Edmund, Reuben, and NCJ (:
Hm, Weilin and Reuben left early..
We watched The Ring folow by One Miss Call.. It was scary x: But not as much as The Shutter! Hehehe ^.^
Me and Jiamin screamed at times XD
Epic though..
Tmr's dance in the morning again during school hours! >.<
This is so not fair!? D:
It's like half the class bu jian diao.. zzz..
Luckily, there's a class outing this Sunday (; Hehe!!
I'm missing you guys alot alot!! <3
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Yesterday went to dance .. Jiamin was late as she went to some church stuffs? So, I went to the studio first (: Learnt new steps, but I can hardly catch up.. Still do wrong steps sia xD Paisehhh x:
After dancing, my leg super super pain and Mr Quek realised that my leg was hurting so he asked me about it.. I told him and he said my shin muscle the nerve dunno dunno what, then ask me don't rub and just put oilment and I shouldn't jump or jette anymore.. But variety show is coming up x:
Went home at late 9 plus, otw, he told me, Jiamin and a korean girl about the shin muscles and stuffs.. xD Quite gross to me ._.
Went to church today (;
Wah, today alot people never come like that.. Pearlyn, Jolyn, Issac and Joshua all never come.. xD
Today didn't have lesson so I attended the main service..
Pastor Steven Goh gave a talk about appreciating..
It was good :D Esp at the end of the talk when people went up to him and he prayed for them all one by one.. Some people cried.. xD
Some old ladies went up to him saying that their legs are hurting and when Pastor Goh pryed for them, their legs don't hurt anymore! That's so ... Pro?! (:
God is so Great! Praise God! :D
Should have went up, but I didn't dare :P
After the main service, had lunch and chit-chat with the youths..
MuhTian asked about results =.=
Went home at about 1 plus, then sister went to meet her friend at tpy, so I went home alone (:
Wanted to sleep, but I wanna use com also!!
Hehe xP
Tmr got rehearsal again :( tuesday also got!! THEN CANNOT GO EXCURSION WITH MY CLASS! ARGH :'( I just wanna play with them for the last week :(
Nothing much to post about today.. xD
Friday, October 21, 2011

School wasn't as fun anymore..
Stayed in the hall for some talk by the principal about behaviors and rules etc.. BORED!
Then when others were released, sec2s have were held up for a streaming talk..
The teacher gave out the individual slips for the streaming options (:
And yeah! I can take triple and double :D But, I'm not gonna take triple science.. Stress stress xD
Wanted to take double pure chem and physics, but I doubt I can get in cause many want it too and my average wasn't really good..
Hmm.. I wonder if I should go double pure chem and bio or combined chem and physics, if I cant get into double pure chem and physics..
Left D&T room early today cause there was a combined rehearsal for the variety show and we are released to have lunch at 11.40 am (: I was polishing some acrylics and didnt want to leave the class.. xD When I went to the canteen, it's about 12 and the seniors want us to report in the dance studio by 12 x: No time for my lunch!! :(
Stomach was grumbling during the rehearsal :P
Today's combined rehearsal was abit in chaos =.=
And my left leg hurts even more badly after I tried to do 'jette' / leap..
After the combined rehearsal, seniors gathered us outside the dance studio and punished us cause the sec2s were very noisy and all of us were not moving fast enough and like we don't treat them like seniors and stuffs.. Maybe we're too close to them and they're not fierce enough? Hmm..
They made us run to the classroom block and run back to the dance studio for 5 times?
Tired max.. Stamina dropping! :O
Then made us do 40 pumpings..
I do 30 then no strength sia.. Lousy :S
Gonna start training splits alr (;
Going back to streaming,
Even if I can take double, I'm still very upset..
Cause.. I want to be with 2Integrity, I think we rock man.. :D
We wont blame each other and quarrel like others when we lose a game.. We cheered one another up instead.. We may disagree with one another sometimes, but everything will be fine after awhile.. Even though we can be very mischievous and playful at times, but that's what make us united :) There are just so many memories with 2Integrity and I really dun wanna lose them :'(
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Yeah! No school today! Slacking at home (: But it's quite boring too x:
Wanted to watch Dream House with Junjie they all or 2A guys..
But Jerry said they decided to play soccer/basketball at last, so me and Claire wanted to watch with Junjie they all.. Jiamin and Natasya couldnt come with us.. And then when I tell them they not coming, they all say very less people then dw go again.. WTS?!
Then say what the show not nice.. Dunno who say want watch at first want sia.. Say before Thursday maybe go watch then pangseh again.. x:
Sorry so? Then today morning tell me ask my clique again if want watch at evening.. One person never go then dun wan liao ar? Zzzz.. Don't tell me sorry again.. >.<
Watched Paranormal Activity 2 again with my bro and sister.. Mummy went to sleep after awhile xD Eeyer, never pei us watch :(
Even when I know what will happened, I still got shocked and jumped at certain parts.. And I screamed at one part x: It's still horrifying to me :P
That remind me of yesterday when Evelyn asked me to play a concentration game and I have to rmb the numbers.. I played while I was standing then suddenly a big big scary face pop out on the screen! I screamed and threw the ipod xD Epic sia!! Lucky Evelyn stood directly opposite me and caught it sia.. If not GG liao xD
Couldn't stop laughing afterwards!! And the people in the canteen like looking at us, paisehh x:
Ruqing, Natasya and Claire played too, but my reaction's the most epic one lor :P
Bored max now.. I rather go school.. (:
Got combined rehearsal tomorrow, quite scared ar.. What if I didn't do well? Haizz.. And my leg is still hurting.. D:
Hope it will heal soon then there's no need to see a doctor, which i dislike! >.< And then I can dance freely! ;D
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
School wasn't really fun today.. Didn't get to play murderer at all :(
Art lesson watched The Lion King, english lesson played scrabble, pe played a super crazy powerball game! It's like the whole class play as a group, 40 people chiong-ing for a ball!
Chaos chaos! Haiyo! T.T Horrible ar~ So violent :O
After recess, music watched movie again.. Then went to com lab for some chinese stuffs..
Go back class, science lesson! =.=
boring boring~ :P
But the millionaire game was funny and epic man! Hehehe.. xD
End school , wanted to go dance studio but it was being occupied by Malay Dance..
So my clique wanted to go Jayson's house..
On the way, something happened ._.
Then natasya was angry with us..
When we were at the opposite bus stop, Junjie called and asked us if they can go claire's house, i wanted to go since it's nearer to my house and I got to go home early also..
Then when we deciding, bus came and nat just went with jiamin..
And when we went back to the bus stop to hub, the guys told us they dun wan go alr..
S*****s! >.<
We pangseh nat and jiamin sia..
Walao! Not enough girls? Want see pretty girls? Go other place la.
Omy.. Volcano will erupt sia.. Got very angry easily nowadays..
Phew~ Anw, choco volcano erupt then the dark choco is nice hor! :D
I angry then didnt want to go anywhere except home..
But me and claire ended up eating at KFC and walking at the central xD
Reached home at about 5 pm (:
Ate dinner alr (:
Now using com!
Yeah! There's no school tmr ^.^
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Went church today (:
My sister didn't go again! =.=
I have to always lie for her.. Irritating xD
Helped Jenny JieJie to cut things for the Sunday School kids..
Chiong to finish it, and ended up being late for the main service..
Oh man, how can I be late?! D:
Only get to see him play one song sia x:
But he played very well, hehe :D <3
Had Nasi Lemak for lunch (:
Went home at about 2?
Joshua's daddy sent me to tpy (:
Thank you alot! ^^
Slept awhile while listening to music xD
Didnt want to eat my dinner as I was too full after eating a packet of potato chips! :P
Nowadays I kept eating alot even when I'm too full..
I dunno why either xO
I'm missing you alot alot..
I love you too much..
No way I'm letting you go..
-ziweilove&missdieyou <3
Friday, October 14, 2011

Time passed fast today.. (:
Played cheat and murderer in class, even though cards are not allowed, but no one cares x:
Stayed back during lesson as we wanted to continue our games, but one SL threatened that if we do not go, he will complain to Mr. Raj . =.=
So we went down and within 5 minutes, need go back class alr, LOL?!
Played murderer in a smaller group during three periods of D&T :D
I won the game!! WOHOO! *wink* *wink* *wink*
Hehehe~ ;D
Gonna play it on Monday again! ;)
After school, had dance.
Instructors didn't come today, but the sec4s seniors came :O
I was very excited to see them back, cause I miss them alot alot :(
But, I wasn't excited after knowing that we had to perform for them..
They're strict and fierce! D:
Polished up our steps today and did alot of splits today.
Had a good stretch and my thigh muscles are hurting now! :'(
I think i got knee problems man >< haizz!
Next next week, there's split test! BOOO~
Oh ya! Update on my results..
English - (same)
Maths - 75 , A1! YEAH! :D
Science - 63
Hcl - (same)
Lit - 24/25 , failed by one mark! ._.
Art - Forgot! :x
D&T - 70
History - 38/50
I wanna get into 3A or 3I next year! :(:(
Dreamt again (;
Haha! :D
Isit true that dreams about our personal stuffs will be the opposite in real life? o.O?
-ziwei; missdieyou<3
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Today went to Jayson's house instead ._.
Wanted to go in the dance studio, but there are some other sec 3s in there with my classmates..
Lee Zi Min is so damn unreasonable?!
You wanna fight with YenCheng?ARE YOU MAD?
Can you control your temper?!
Can't you guys just share the dance studio together happily? YenCheng's group didn't offend you leh! They on their music, you complain what?! He got the keys first leh x: He was kind enough not to quarrel with you, although XinLei did. Everytime only know how to guailan people.. Don't think you very big everyone must listen to you!
At Jayson's house, didn't do much..
Only ate cookies, play taptap, and watch tv x:
Went home at about 6 (:
Reached home, saw my sister's friend, Cheryl! :D
She's teaching my sister A Maths now!
She was very funny man xD
Me and her ganged up and 'shoot' my sister :P
Hehe!! Bleh~ xP
Now currently using computer (;
Anw, I got some results back and it's really horrible ._.
Okay, here it goes...
English Paper 1 : 39/60
English Paper 2: 30/50
English Oral Presentation: 29/40
Maths: 73/100
Omg, I'm so gonna dislike this! I just need 2 more marks to get an A1! And i missed my 6 marks, and if i got them, i would have got 79?! ARGH >.<
Higher Chinese Paper 1: 50/90 ( If I'm not wrong. )
Higher Chinese Paper 2: 55.5/90
Higher Chinese Oral: 15.6/20
Science Section A+B: 44/60
Oh man! Every result sucks! How am I gonna get into 3I?! :'(
Now, I can only hope for the chance to be in that class and I'm satisfied!!
Currently listening to Comatose by Skillet (: It's awesome! And the lyrics! Hehe ^^
Gonna blog till here! Will update soon now that exams are over and I'm rotting! :P
-ziwei <3
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Finally, I'm back to the more cheerful me :D
Thanks guys ;)
Slept alot nowadays, I'm just too tired for anything..
Stayed at home today..
Didn't go church cause my sis didnt :P
And yeah! Finally exams are over!! But now, I'm like rotting at home >.<
How cool is this? xD
Yesterday went for dance practice at PA!!
The feeling back into dancing is so shiock! :D
I was glad that I'm able to concentrate even though so many things happened and the song that we're dancing happens to be the song that makes me cry x:
Haha! But i ain't crying (:
Went home quite late and the mrt suddenly stopped at novena or some station then dunno got what announcement telling us to get down the train and Jiamin scared me! She said she was afraid that there's bomb in the train.. BOMB?! :O I got a shock man xD
Thank God Jiamin and I reached home safely (: Hehe~
There's dance tmr!! Got to wake up early but better than satying at home leh xD
Bet that the seniors will do an attire check x: OUR NAILS~
In the evening, got BBQ :D
I'm looking forward to it, Esp the MUFFINS~ Yummy yummy!! ;D
Im writing till here (:
-ziwei :D
Everyone is slowly getting into your trap..
You sure you didn't want it? Stop lying to us..
We aren't dumb..
I have lost trust in you, but I still have hope in you..
You're more than a two-sided face! FACE THE FACT AND STOP EXPLAINING FOR YOURSELF.
Friday, October 7, 2011

I wanted it to end off better, but we ended up arguing. Misunderstanding each other. I thought I wouldn't regret, but I did. I really still can't let you go. But I dunno why.. I did it.. I didn't have a hug from you and I didn't end it with a bye. Did you realised it? Friends are more important to me, but I love you even more. I wanted to take my words back, but I know I shouldn't cause you'll be better off without me. The moment I wake up, I kept thinking of you. In the morning, I would always text you a morning message, but I couldn't now.. I realised I can't accept the fact that you'd left me. I didn't want to open my eyes and get off my bed to know all these were not a dream. Are you relieved now that you do not have me? If not, I would really regret.. I wanted time to rewind, truthfully, but I know you will not want that girl back, never in your life again.. I hope I was an angel by your side, helping you through anytime..
Thursday, October 6, 2011
I'm wrong about you. Totally wrong. You hid everything, thinking that we're dummy. I just kept quite about it. *WE. I gave you all my trust, but you betrayed my heart once and once again. How could you.. I believed every people who knows that agree to me too. You've changed. You wanted attention? Yeah, but it just make you a slut. Do you think you can hide THAT LONG? It felt like a stab in my heart. I hope everything that I assume wasn't true, but everything fits perfectly. I've regretted knowing you, my best friend.
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