School ended at 9.55 am today.. So early! D: I wanna spend more time with 2I! :x
Slacked in school for a long time, ate then go hub find Junjie and Edmund.. Walked around in hub and many epic and funny moments happened xD
Saw Kevin and other basketballers at hub too.. :)
After walking, went to Thomson to walk again..
Wanted to buy something for Edmund's clique in the class and some girls that I'm closer with like Tricia and Ruqing.. But no $ and I dunno what to buy! Maybe I should just do a card for everyone? :D
I treasure you guys alot! ;)
Went to Jayson's house to slack and it's so cold.. Brr.. Went home early like around 5 plus?
Walked under a heavy rain.. I'm all drenched and I was freezing X:
Lucky no sick yet, hahax.. :D
So tired man.. Gonna try to do a small note for everyone in the class by Sunday! >.<
I will off my com soon, hopefully (:
Just what you want?
Have you realised it all?
Did you did it on purpose?
Many wild thoughts raced in my mind..
So please..
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