Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Today went to Jayson's house instead ._.
Wanted to go in the dance studio, but there are some other sec 3s in there with my classmates..

Lee Zi Min is so damn unreasonable?!
You wanna fight with YenCheng?ARE YOU MAD?
Can you control your temper?!
Can't you guys just share the dance studio together happily? YenCheng's group didn't offend you leh! They on their music, you complain what?! He got the keys first leh x: He was kind enough not to quarrel with you, although XinLei did. Everytime only know how to guailan people.. Don't think you very big everyone must listen to you!

At Jayson's house, didn't do much..
Only ate cookies, play taptap, and watch tv x:
Went home at about 6 (:
Reached home, saw my sister's friend, Cheryl! :D
She's teaching my sister A Maths now!
She was very funny man xD
Me and her ganged up and 'shoot' my sister :P
Hehe!! Bleh~ xP
Now currently using computer (;

Anw, I got some results back and it's really horrible ._.
Okay, here it goes...

English Paper 1 : 39/60
English Paper 2: 30/50
English Oral Presentation: 29/40

Maths: 73/100
Omg, I'm so gonna dislike this! I just need 2 more marks to get an A1! And i missed my 6 marks, and if i got them, i would have got 79?! ARGH >.<

Higher Chinese Paper 1: 50/90 ( If I'm not wrong. )
Higher Chinese Paper 2: 55.5/90
Higher Chinese Oral: 15.6/20

Science Section A+B: 44/60

Oh man! Every result sucks! How am I gonna get into 3I?! :'(
Now, I can only hope for the chance to be in that class and I'm satisfied!!

Currently listening to Comatose by Skillet (: It's awesome! And the lyrics! Hehe ^^
Gonna blog till here! Will update soon now that exams are over and I'm rotting! :P

-ziwei <3

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