Monday, March 10, 2014

Dance is my life. Being a dancer is more than being able to dance, it's about bringing out who are you through the different emotions and movements. Nothing can stop you once you fall in love with it. "Our hearts speak through dance". 

                                                 We are one big family! #buff#love
Seniors with Mr Johnson Tay
 Selfie with Mr Tay 
 With my Vice President 2014, Mee Mee
 With my President 2014, Koh Shi En
 And, she's also my Hello Kitty! Doesn't she look like one? Hehe. 
 With my most annoying, cheeky, yet lovable junior, Odelia Chan
 With my most act cool (literally 'cold') and most act aunty junior, Rachel Ong
 This is my junior who resemles me: Black, 'tall' and same hairstyle, Shanyce
 With my most shy yet not so shy junior, Lyn
 With my quietest and the one who smiles the brightest junior, Xin Min

 With my Vice President 2014, Kai Lin
 Awwwww... My hello kitty <3 font="">
 The Old and The New

 And so, this is me trying to photobomb Natasya in a picture and I dont know why it ended up like this.. (look down)!

I love MF Modern Dance and I can't stop missing them. It's a family that I will never forget. They play a huge part in making my secondary school life worthy. They are the ones whom I go through pain and tears with. The ones who are there for everybody and never leaving anyone behind despite any difficulties. They are the ones who kept me going as I was having a tough time leading this family. We worked hard together and played hard together. They are my happiness in my school life. We are all connected by the passion for dance. The desire to grow much. The flame in us will never die. Because 'Our hearts speak through dance'. 

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